A Backyard Habitat is the manipulation of your yard into a garden that provides essential resources for different kinds of wildlife, such as birds, butterflies, small mammals and other creatures. This could entail something as simple as planting a few host plants for butterflies or as elaborate as creating a place that provides food, water, summer shade, winter refuge, perches, nesting sites, and hiding places for all kinds of wildlife. This ecologically-minded gardening is especially critical in areas of excessive development. Natural wildlife habitat is disappearing quickly. Creating a Backyard Habitat is the perfect way for you, your family, and your schools to help conserve wildlife while being able to enjoy observing it every day in your own backyard.
The following websites will serve as references for you as you plan your Backyard Habitat. Once you have completed your habitat creation, you can officially register your Backyard Habitat at a couple of the sites listed, as noted, and with us by sending us an e-mail about your backyard habitat story and location.
The Nature Store offers a great selection of books to help plan your Backyard Habitat.